37 week pregnancy update | Baby can come any day now
Wow, I can’t believe I’m sharing my 37 week pregnancy update today. It almost feels like a dream. Baby J could really be here today, tomorrow, next week, or the week after.

With just 21 days left until my official due date, we made it to 37 weeks. Everyone seems to think that the baby will arrive well before my due date. My birthday is next week, and I’ve been secretly hoping that the baby comes then, but it’ll also be nice if the baby continues to bake for a few more weeks.
37 week pregnancy update
I still can’t believe that God blessed us with another little one and that any day now, our family of four will become a family of five. Now that I’m nearly finished with the nursery and my hospital bag is almost fully packed, it’s starting to hit me that I’ll soon be cuddling a newborn. It’s so bittersweet since this is my last pregnancy, so I’m trying to soak up every drop of this season while I can.
How am I sleeping?
I’ve started sleeping a little better, but the dreams have intensified. Last night, I could barely sleep because every time I closed my eyes, I dreamt I was going into labor. I don’t remember any of these dreams during my last pregnancies, but it could have been due to the stress of having so many doctor appointments lined up this week and the fact that the baby can come at any moment.
Twice a Week Non-Stress Tests
I never thought I would be so happy to reach 37 weeks, but after the scare last week, I’ve been taking it easy in fear that I’ll be going into labor early. Since then, I started doing NSTs to measure the baby’s heart rate and any contractions. They hook me up to two devices, one to measure each, and I’m monitored for a minimum of 20 minutes so that they can see how the baby responds during any pre-term contractions.
I’ve also been doing weekly ultrasounds to measure the amniotic fluid levels, the baby’s breathing, and the rate that the baby is developing. Thankfully, baby J is happy, healthy, and growing.
How’s having gestational diabetes going
Having gestational diabetes again has definitely been a lot easier this time. I’ve been pretty good at keeping my blood sugars in range. Since they have been amazing, I’m able to test just twice a day now instead of four times a day – what a relief.
I’m being induced again
Due to having gestational diabetes, I’m labeled high risk. Because of this, my OBGYN and maternal fetal medicine doctor (MFM) don’t want me to go past 39 weeks. My induction is officially scheduled for February 24th if the baby doesn’t decide to come on its own before then. I’ll be 39 weeks and 3 days, and I asked for this date specifically because logistically it’ll be easier to coordinate the kids’ schedule with family.
Nesting & Energy
My energy level is slowly starting to increase, and I would love to dive in full force with nesting, but I’m kind of stuck between a rock and a hard place because I don’t want to do too much at this point and force my body to go into labor. My goal is to at least get the nursery finished, start decorating the guest room, and maybe complete a few small home organization projects before the baby arrives. I promise I will prioritize rest though.
Baby Movement
Baby J is moving so much these days and the kicks are starting to get intense – especially when I’m driving. I also think the baby has gotten lower and is starting to slowly get into position. The baby has been head done for weeks now. Let’s hope he or she remains that way.
Still don’t know the gender
Nope. And, I’m holding out strong. The ultrasound tech did slip up and say a specific gender during my appointment last week, but I’m taking that as a natural reaction rather than the specific gender. We’ll see.
When’s my last day of work
I would love to have a few weeks off before delivery, but unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way, so I’ll be working up until the day before I deliver. I love that we have a hybrid schedule though, so I’ve been working from home more and only coming into the office on the days that I have a doctor’s appointment.
Signs of labor yet
I have been experiencing pre-term contractions off and on for the past few weeks, but nothing that’ll send me into full-blown labor yet. I’ve also been slowly losing my mucus plug, which means that my body is slowly preparing for labor and delivery.
Best moment this week
Squeezing in a date night with my husband. Our lives are about to change drastically, and I want to soak up as much alone time as I possibly can with him over the next few weeks. It’s always nice connecting without any disruptions from the kids. Shoutout to my village for making this happen.
Any other milestones
I passed my Group B strep test, which means I don’t need any extra antibiotics during delivery. I also got the photos back from my maternity photoshoot so be on the lookout for those soon.
Do you think Baby J will come before the date I’m scheduled to be induced?