5 Planner Tips to Manage Your Time as a Parent

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Are you a busy mom who struggles to manage your time effectively? You’ve landed in the right place. Here are five planner tips to help you organize your life.

5 planner tips to manage your time as a parent

Moms are superheroes. We put on our invisible cape daily and get things done. Oftentimes, we don’t even know how things get checked off of our to-do list all while being present as a wife, a mom, and a worker whether that’s in or out of the home. Our plate is pretty full.

But, there is one thing that is so hard to get control of — time. There are never enough hours in a day to actually get everything done.

First things first, I want you to know that you are not alone. We are all facing this challenge and doing the best that we can to effectively manage our households.

Before you think that you will have to face this pressure forever, I want to let you in on a secret that has saved my life and have helped me successfully take back control, leaving me feeling happier and healthier.

What is this little secret that saved your life, you ask? Well, I got a planner. Yes, a planner. Today, I’ll be sharing my top five planner tips on how I use a planner to organize my life and effectively manage my time as a parent.

Why should you use a planner?

As a busy mom of two, there is no way I’d be able to keep up with everyone’s schedule and keep the house intact if I didn’t write it all down. From extracurricular activities multiple times a week to routine checkups and school events, our schedule is jammed packed. Not to forget any obligations that my husband and I have as well.

I wouldn’t be able to function without having a planner. The “mom brain” is real over here. If I don’t write it down, more than likely I will forget it. A planner is a necessary part of my organizational strategy.

  • Mobility. You can take your planner with you wherever you go so that you can remember everything that you need to get done.
  • Visibility. You can look at your schedule and tasks all in one place.
  • Creativity. You can put your creativity on display and personalize your planner to help you stay organized.
  • Functional. You can set up your planner according to your family’s needs.
  • Time saver. Never miss another event, appointment or deadline.
  • Flexibilty. Find a planner that fits your lifestyle.
5 planner tips to manage your time as a parent

5 planner tips to effectively manage your time as a parent

Get a Planner

There are so many planners on the market today, but the best planner to have is the one that you plan to use consistently. Find one that will get you excited about getting, and staying, organized.

I have a few planners, and each serves a different purpose. My favorite type of planner to help me effectively manage my household is one that is fully customizable such as the TUL® Discbound Monthly Planner from OfficeDepot Office Max. I’ve been using the TUL® Retractable Gel Pens for years, and I was so excited to try out the planner as well.

Plan out the Month

I have a full-time job and I run this blog part-time on top of being a mom and a wife. I have a lot going on throughout the month, but my planner helps keep me on track. The last week of each month, I grab my trusted TUL® Retractable Gel Pens and jot everything we have going on the following month down so that nothing gets missed from birthdays, school closures, extracurriculars, doctor appointments, and so forth. I keep my planner on me, so if anything pops up, I can add it in immediately so that I don’t forget.

Color Coordinate Activities

My planner basically acts as a personal assistant and gives me the confidence I need to live organized and manage my time. Once my month, week, and/or day is planned out, I go back through with a highlighter to color coordinate the tasks. That way at-a-glance, I’ll know what tasks belong to the kids, myself, my husband, grocery shopping, etc. This makes it so easy for me to stay on top of everything and not feel like I’m lost and all over the place.

Set Weekly and Monthly Goals

Studies show that you’re much more likely to crush your goals if you write them down. I find that to be 100% true for myself. Setting micro-goals help keep me on track towards reaching the yearly goals I’ve set for myself and that we’ve set for our family.

Carve out some time weekly to break your big goals into short-term goals for small wins in addition to setting up the month-at-a-glance. Then, make sure important tasks are added to your to-list so that they are not forgotten about. Remember, you’ll be more likely to accomplish a goal if it’s written down.

Plan and Review Daily

Take control of your day and pick 3-5 must-do tasks to complete that day. Don’t overcommit. Be realistic here and give yourself room to make any adjustments. Also, delegate where you can. Most importantly, give yourself grace. It’s okay if a task needs to be rolled to the next day.

There you have it. You now know exactly why you need a planner and five tips on how to use one to effectively manage your time. Time to buy one. If you’re looking for a customizable way to take back control of your life, the TUL® Discbound Monthly Planner is for you.

Mama, what are some ways that you manage your time as a parent?

5 ways to manage your time as a parent
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