Blogmas 2022 Day 1 | Welcome to the Month of December
Hey sis! Hello December. The holiday season is officially here, and I will attempt Blogmas again this year. So here I am with Blogmas 2022 Day 1.

Where have I been?
I know. I know. I’ve been MIA, and I appreciate everyone that has reached out to me because I literally fell off the face of the Earth. No blog posts, no Instagram posts, or no TikToks. I unintentionally took a little sabbatical because of life, but I’m back. And what a perfect time to be back just in time for the holidays – my favorite time of the year.
It’s crazy that it’s officially December. Just 30 days left until the New Year, and if I can be honest, I’m so ready for 2023. 2022 has been unique, and I’ll put it on record that it hasn’t been my favorite year. Thank God I don’t look like what I’ve been through. I’ve experienced some life-changing, traumatic events this year that I wouldn’t wish on anyone, not even my worst enemy if I had one. Hopefully, I’ll be brave enough to share my story with you all one day. I’m sure it’ll be a blessing for so many others, but I’ll be prayerful on timing as I’m still working through the healing process.
Okay, enough of the sadness.
This is the most joyous time of the year, and we should all plan to end the year on a good note. I ran across a quote on Instagram today that spoke to my soul:
You’re not called to ‘finish the year strong’ in the sense of work. You’re being called to finish off the year strong regarding your mental health and wellbeing. Invite ease into this final month of the year. Your spirit needs you to relax this December.
So, in the spirit of easing back into things, I’m committing to Blogmas again this year. Creating content makes me so happy and brings me so much joy. Getting back to doing exactly what I love is extremely important for my healing. My love for writing and connecting with you all combined with the most magical time of the year is the perfect time to kickstart things and prepare for the New Year.
How do Blogmas work?
If you’re not familiar with Blogmas, it runs throughout the month of December and the idea is that everyone participating posts a new blog daily. The cadence is up to you though. Some bloggers do 12 days of Christmas and others blog daily until Christmas or the end of the year. If you want to join in on the fun, I detailed a full list of Blogmas ideas for you all last year to help make things easy.
Related: What is blogmas? + 25 Post Ideas for Blogmas
My Plans for December
As mentioned, I plan to share new content with you all daily through Christmas, documenting how my family prepares for the holiday season. That’s 25 blog posts coming at you, including this one. Now, I ask that you give me a little grace here. I’m a little rusty in these blogging streets, so don’t all bombard me if I happen to miss a day or two. I can promise that I won’t leave you all hanging again. I’m back for the long haul because I have so much to share with you guys. A lot has changed since we last connected. I don’t know where to start, so I’ll save that for another post.
I pray that you all have an amazing December and end to the year. I can’t wait to see all the magical moments you create with your families. Make the most of the holiday season by connecting with the ones who mean the most to you. Remember, we’re inviting ease into December. It’s okay to say ‘No’ to some things, or people, that don’t spark joy.

Are you all ready for the holiday season? As you can expect, I’m getting there. I promise to get a little bit more organized in the New Year.