6 Free Family Friendly Holiday Events in Jacksonville

The weather in Florida may be warm, but that doesn’t mean Jacksonville doesn’t know how to celebrate the holidays. There are many family friendly holiday events going on around town through the end of the holiday season.
I know all too well that Christmas can get pricey really fast. From checking everyone off your list to buying decorations for your home, you can easily be out a couple of hundred dollars. But money shouldn’t be a reason that you aren’t able to make memories with your family this holiday season.
No money, no problem.
Here are six free family friendly holiday events in Jacksonville for you to enjoy:
Root Realty’s Annual Family Festive Films

Root Realty is hosting its annual Festive Family Films event on December 11, 2021, at 7:30 p.m. They’ll be showing How the Grinch Stole Christmas on the lawn in Memorial Park, so bring your blankets, chairs, family, and snacks. The event is free and free popcorn will be provided as well. There will also be food trucks and lots of fun.
When: Saturday, December 11, 2021
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Where: Memorial Park, 1620 Riverside Avenue, Jacksonville, FL 32204
Cost: Free
Drive-through living nativity

The Living Nativity is a drive-through Christmas experience, featuring Christmas lights and interactive moments through the story of Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. Located at Westside Baptist Church, guests will drive through the ancient city of Bethlehem, witness the angelic announcement of the birth of Christ, worship with shepherds and angels while learning about the true meaning of Christmas. This event features real live animals along with many different elements of drama, lighting, and technology. Be sure to arrive early. Last year’s event drew in more than 6,000 spectators.
When: December 9 -12, 2021
Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Where: Westside Baptist Church, 7775 Herlong Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32210
Cost: Free
Jacksonville Beach Deck the Chairs

Jacksonville Beach Deck the Chairs is a free, six-week holiday event promoting art at the Seawalk Pavilion. This year, they are introducing SeaSongs Light & Music Spectacle, a one-of-a-kind, motion-activated holiday sound experience. Now through January 1, 2022, you can enjoy a memorable and engaging exhibit.
When: Now through January 1, 2022
Time: 5 p.m. – 1 a.m.
Where: Seawalk Pavilion, 75 1st Street N, Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Cost: Free
Night of Lights

During the holidays, take a stroll through historic downtown St. Augustine and enjoy the Night of Lights festival. This historic district turns into a dazzling holiday display nightly, featuring more than 3 million lights. The event itself is free, but you may also opt to spend a few dollars to enhance your experience and check out the lights from a horse-drawn carriage, trolley, helicopter, or boat.
When: Now through January 31, 2022
Where: Historic Downtown St. Augustine, FL
Cost: Free
Blackhawk Bluff Christmas Lights display on Girvin

Drawing thousands of guests each year, Girvin Road is known for its spectacular light show. The Blackhawk Bluff subdivision comes together as a community and puts on a dazzling display. The roads are filled with spectators on any given night in December, so be sure to pack some snacks for the kids and arrive early.
When: Now through the end of the holiday season
Where: The Blackhawk subdivision on Girvin Road
Cost: Free
Smith’s Lights on Rue

Smith’s Lights on Rue is a free Christmas walkthrough event located in Mandarin, featuring beautiful light displays, inflatables, decoration, and more.
When: Now through the end of the holiday season
Time: Dusk to 11 p.m.
Where: 4930 Rue St, Jacksonville, FL 32258
Cost: Free

There you have it. Six wonderful and free family friendly holiday events around town that you can start enjoying today. Always remember the reason for the season and that the time spent with your family is priceless. Enjoy the holidays!
Do you know of any other free family friendly holiday events happening in Jacksonville? Leave them in the comments, and I’ll add them to the list.