12 fun and frugal Fall family activities

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Fall family activities
Seanikk Views Photography

As a Florida girl, you would think that Summer would be my favorite season. Nope. Hands down, Fall has always been a favorite of mine even though we rarely get four seasons here. There is something about the cool and crisp temperatures, shorter days, Falling leaves, and wearing light sweaters that I just love. All things apples and pumpkin spice is rather nice as well.

My family has been on a journey towards debt freedom for a little over a year now, and we love exploring ways we can have fun each season without spending a lot of money. Making memories with our three-year-old is very important to my husband and me. Let’s face it, the best experiences and memories are usually simple and don’t cost a dime.

I have come up with 12 fun and frugal Fall family activities that you can add to your bucket list. I hope they will help inspire you to get creative and think outside the box and enjoy a few moments of simple pleasures of the season with your family, the ones that you love the most.

Related: 15 frugal activities everyone will love

12 fun and frugal Fall family activities to add to your bucket list

Roast S’mores

Can you have Fall without roasting s’mores? I don’t think so. The ingredients are very inexpensive and your family will enjoy the experience as well. Even if you don’t have a fire pit in the backyard, you can still enjoy this Fall treat by making s’mores in the microwave. Yum, so delicious.

Visit a festival

Fall-themed festivals are one of my favorite activities to do. They are usually everywhere this time of year, so it should be pretty easy for you to find one, or many, to attend. Most are free or are pretty cheap. Make sure to bring a packed lunch, or eat beforehand, so you do not spend impulsively on festival food.

Visit a pumpkin patch

Visiting a pumpkin patch has been a family tradition for us since my daughter was born. Most pumpkin patches are free or ask for a small donation, and you and your children can each pick out your pumpkin to decorate later. It’s also nice to walk around to see pumpkins of all shapes and sizes and to take some Fall pictures.

Go apple picking

Nothing says Fall more than visiting an apple orchard and picking your apples. You can make a day out of this by not only picking apples but by packing a basket and finding a great spot to have a picnic. If you have little ones, they will enjoy picking up the Fallen ones and your older ones can pick apples right from the trees. There may be a small fee for the apples you decide to bring home, but that’ll be one thing you can check off your grocery list. Plus, the apples are usually cheaper than in the grocery store. Budget win!

Make Fall treats together

There are so many Fall treats you and your kids can make together. My favorite is making pumpkin bread. But you can also try making caramel apples, pumpkin pie, or applesauce. Don’t forget to roast those pumpkin seeds as well. It might take a bit longer if your kids decide to help out in the kitchen, but those memories are unforgettable and priceless.

Decorate a pumpkin

Remember those pumpkins you scored from the pumpkin patch? Now it’s time to decorate them. Whether you carve them out to make a lantern for your front porch or paint them, decorating pumpkins is so much fun. It’s a great Fall-themed activity that your kids will enjoy. Be sure to let your creative juices flow.

Read Fall-themed books

Take a weekly trip to the library and let your kids pick out different Fall-themed books. There are so many out there to choose from and they will have so much fun selecting the best ones. If you don’t have a library card, visit your nearest branch today It’s free to sign up and you’ll have instant access to thousands of books.

Make Fall-themed crafts

The amount of Fall-themed crafts your family can make is endless. There are so many you can make for the Fall. Hand turkeys and leaf wreaths are always a win. They will be sure to fill your heart and home with the colors and images of the season.

Take a bike ride

The cooler temperature makes being outside much more enjoyable. It’s the perfect time for bike riding. You can take a stroll around your neighborhood or pack up your family bikes to ride along a trail to enjoy the changing and Falling leaves.

Build a scarecrow

Look through your closet and source some old clothes and stuff them with shredded newspaper to make your scarecrow. You can grab some clothing that your kids have outgrown as well so everyone can make their own. Now you have some Fall décor to add to your yard for free!

Have a movie night

At-home movie nights are so fun. If your kids are younger, source some cute cartoon movies. For the older ones, pop some popcorn, crawl up on the couch, and watch your favorite scary movie together. A fun family night in for the win.

Host a football watch party

We can’t forget that when Fall comes, so does football. Whether you decide to barbecue or tailgate, gather some friends together to host a potluck to keep your costs low. The kids will enjoy playing with their friends and you’ll enjoy the company of yours at a minimal cost to you.

Wrap up

There you have it. 12 fun and frugal Fall family activities to enjoy that won’t break your budget or empty your wallet and allow you to have a great time with your kids. If you follow this list, your family can indulge in the many things that autumn brings regardless of your budget. Start making your bucket list now so you don’t miss out on your favorite activities this season.

12 fun and frugal Fall family activities
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