A Letter to My Son | Happy 1st birthday!

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Happy 1st birthday, Jaxon! Here’s a letter to you!

Happy 1st birthday! Here's a letter to you!

I cannot believe you’re a year old. It’s been an entire year since you entered our lives and it’s been pure bliss ever since. You’ve literally been the sweetest baby ever since birth. I’ve looked forward to this day, but to be honest, it’s bittersweet. I love watching you grow and flourish, but I wish you could be my little baby forever. I’m so sad to watch those baby days fade away. I wish I could bottle up some of the precious moments we’ve spent together this past year so that I could live them over and over again. I know that’s impossible though. I’m so thankful for all the memories captured and we’ll be able to cherish those moments forever.

Happy 1st birthday! Here's a letter to you!

You’ve taught me so much since the moment I found out I was pregnant with you. You helped me realize that God has the final say. You were conceived even though I was told that I may never have any more kids. You gave me hope and something to look forward to in the midst of a global shutdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. You gave me peace and reassurance that it’s okay to slow down and enjoy every moment. You helped remind me of my purpose to help inspire others to live the life they truly want and to continue being a light in this world. God knew just what he was doing when he blessed me with you.

Happy 1st birthday! Here's a letter to you!

The day you entered this world was one of the best days of my life. Though I’d been a mom for five years, I was still nervous because I couldn’t imagine how my heart could stretch to love you and your sister equally. But the moment you were placed on my chest my heart expanded instantly and now I couldn’t imagine what life would be like without you.

Happy 1st birthday! Here's a letter to you!

On the date of my scheduled induction, dad and I arrived at the hospital early that morning. We learned that I had already dilated to four centimeters so things were moving fairly quickly. I prepped for the epidural and the sweet nurse broke my water once it was time. Before I knew it, I was at 10 centimeters and it was time to push. I didn’t think I could do it, but dad was there cheering me on. We were all anxiously awaiting your arrival, especially Jade. She was so happy to become a big sister. At 6:26 p.m. on October 26, 2020, you entered this world weighing 7 lbs. 7 ozs.

Happy 1st birthday! Here's a letter to you!

We spent the next two days in the hospital and FaceTimed with our family frequently. Due to the pandemic, guests were not allowed to visit. Mama was secretly happy though because we got to soak up all that time together without any interruptions. Like your sister, I decided to breastfeed, and you nursed like a champ from the beginning. I anxiously awaited to check out because I couldn’t wait for you to meet your sister for the first time.

Happy 1st birthday! Here's a letter to you!

Jade arrived shortly after we got home and she held you close. She couldn’t believe that you were finally Earthside. This moment was surreal because I thought about my entire pregnancy. She called you her best friend and I pray that you two have each other’s back forever.

Happy 1st birthday! Here's a letter to you!

We quickly settled into a routine and by the time daddy went back to work when you turned 12 weeks, you moved from the bassinet in our room to your room in your crib. Mama was finally able to get longer stretches of sleep. A month later, I went back to work. Thankfully, we’re working remotely, again due to the pandemic, so I was able to spend every day with you.

Happy 1st birthday! Here's a letter to you!

At six months, we started baby-led weaning and you’ve been eating like a champ ever since. We accomplished our goal of eating 100 different foods before one. The only thing you didn’t enjoy was scrambled eggs. Your sister isn’t a fan of those either. You’re definitely a foodie! By eight months you had grown two teeth and now you have six.

Happy 1st birthday! Here's a letter to you!

We weren’t able to travel much or attend any baby classes in an effort to keep everyone safe. We got to take a family vacation to Disney and we all had so much fun. I can’t wait to watch you explore as we visit so many other locations in the coming months. You’ve been a little shy as we start to venture out now that the lockdown is over and you cry if anyone gets too close. But that’s just a side effect of being a “pandemic baby.” I know you’ll grow out of it soon especially since Mommy will be returning to her office in just a few months and you’ll be entering a new world of daycare.

Happy 1st birthday! Here's a letter to you!

Even though this past year was weird, I’ve enjoyed spending every moment with you, witnessing you reach every milestone, and being there to cheer you on along the way. I can’t wait to see what this next year brings and watch you grow even further. I pray that God gives you everlasting health, love, and wisdom. I pray that He always leads you down the right path so that you can help fulfill His will for your life.

Happy 1st birthday! Here's a letter to you!

Thank you for bringing so much joy to our family. Thank you for brightening our days. Thank you for choosing me to be your mama!

Cheers to ONE!

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