How I really feel about becoming a mom of three

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Moms of three kids, I need you to weigh in. I need your reassurance that becoming a mom of three is going to be okay.

How I really feel about becoming a mom of three

They say that the third time is a charm, but is this true for motherhood as well? I’ll be finding out in give or take 34 days, and truthfully, I’m a little nervous about becoming a mom of three.

I’m a little anxious because I don’t feel ready physically, mentally, or emotionally. At the end of my pregnancy with Jaxon, I started to feel this way as well because it seems impossible to spread love, time, and myself to more than one child equally.

But, whether I’m ready or not, baby J is coming and life as I know it is going to change forever.

Related: 5 Pregnancy Self Care Tips for the Third Trimester

Will the transition from two to three be easier?

I’ve done a little preliminary research in a few mom groups on Facebook, and the consensus seems to be that the transition for two to three kids is way easier than the transition from zero to one or from one to two.

But it’s hard to believe this to be true because I only have two hands, which means nothing or anything when you’re a mom. And at least with two kids, my husband can tend to one while I tend to the other. With three, the load is no longer equally shared, and someone may feel overworked or left out.

My transition from one to two was a little hard at the beginning due to the 5-year age gap. Jade and Jaxon’s needs were extremely different, and it took me a while to adjust. Setting up activities while breastfeeding and having Jaxon on a schedule helped a lot.

Now, the age gap between the two little ones will be 28 months, and I’m freaking out at the thought of having a newborn and a toddler. I have no clue what to expect or how Jaxon will react when he realizes that the baby is here to stay. We do talk about the pregnancy with him, but he honestly has no clue as to what’s going on. He’ll walk up to my stomach and say, “give the baby a kiss,” but does he understand that he’ll no longer be the baby of the family?

Managing life as a mom of three

Right now, all I can think of is how I’m going to be a mom with three kids under the age of 7. The hustle and bustle of school drop-off and pickup don’t stop. Homework doesn’t stop. Neither does dance class nor meal planning. Luckily, I have an amazing support system, and I do not know what I’d do without them.

I still need to figure out the best car seat setup for three kids, pack my hospital bag, and determine who, what, when, and where the kids will be once I’m in labor. My mind is literally going a mile a minute and it’s so hard to plan it all out.

I keep telling myself that I can do this, and I have to repeat the Bible verse Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” multiple times a day.

Related: 24 Christian Affirmations for a Calm Labor & Delivery Experience

What I’m most nervous about becoming a mom of three?

As a first and second-time mom, I lost myself in motherhood. I prioritized the kids, the house, and my husband over myself, and my needs oftentimes went unmet. I’m afraid this will happen again.

Or what if this puts a strain on the relationship with my husband or I fail to meet the needs of one kid because I’m trying to help another?

If the kids are crying, who should I tend to first? In what order should I get the family ready in the morning to ensure we’re all out of the house on time especially once I go back to work after maternity leave?

How do I spread myself across three kids, my husband, and household duties all while making time for myself?

I kind of feel like a failure before even beginning this new journey.

The reality of it all

While this pregnancy wasn’t planned, baby J is coming whether I’m ready or not. Regardless of my anxiety, I’m excited about having this baby.

Jeremiah 29:11 tells us that God already knows the plans that He has for our lives, and He also promises not to give us more than we can bare in 1 Corinthians.

Therefore, we can’t control everything in life.

This baby is a blessing and a miracle and has already brought so much light and joy into my life.

For the next four-five weeks, I’m going to make it my mission to start enjoying the little moments and not worry as much. This is my last pregnancy, so I want to enjoy this experience as much as I can.

I’ll take it one day and one step at a time until baby J is safely in my arms.

The goal is to celebrate all that I’ve been blessed with and to see the beauty in motherhood, not focus on the challenges.

So cheers to welcoming a new edition to The Trapp Haus and another exciting journey ahead.

If you’re a mom of multiples, what was your hardest transition?

How I really feel about becoming a mom of three
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  1. Listen!! I’m right here with you! I’m not pregnant with number 3 yet, but you typed all my fears in the post. I wish you all the luck, and will say a prayer! I can’t wait to follow your journey.

    My oldest is 6, and the baby just made 1 !

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