Easy and Fun Science Experiment to Try at Home with the Kids

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Is your child a slime lover? The Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit is an easy and fun science experiment to try at home with the kids. It offers something just as ooey and gooey complete with neon ooze, mysterious powders, and squishy, squiggly creatures.

The past few years, we’ve been at home more, and I’m constantly looking for ways to keep my kids entertained. When they aren’t away at school, you can usually find us in the kitchen baking or at the dining room table completing some sort of craft. 

One of my daughter’s favorite things to make is slime. On any even given weekend, we’re trying different combinations to make a batch of slime, offering her hours of fun. March is National Crafting Month and what better way to kick things off than with a hands-on learning activity.

klutz fun science experiment

About the Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit  

The Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit really take science experiments up a notch, teaching all about the science of biopolymers. This kit will allow you to create six custom creatures in an aquatic terrarium. 

When the neon gel combines with the sodium alginate and calcium chloride, you’ll be able to see how the biopolymer blobs create a chemical reaction and come to life right before your eyes. You can even customize them, adding body parts and googly eyes to make them your own. 

The Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit include a book, which walks you through the entire process step-by-step and ensures that your experiment comes out just right. It also includes 10 activities that explore life cycles, adaptation, and traits that real animals use in the wild. Once the fun is over, you can display your new friends in their very own specimen test tube habitat with custom stickers.

Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit

What inside the box:

  • 32-page book
  • 2 speciman test tubes
  • 4 bottles of ooze
  • 2 pom-poms
  • 1 scoop
  • Pack of primordial powder
  • Body part pieces (plastic guts)
  • Specimen labels
  • 2 pairs of eyes

Discover more Klutz crafts here

Getting started with the Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit 

An adult is required to provide assistance, so Jade and I began by building our laboratory, which is just fancy for clearing off the table and setting up all our supplies in one place. Once we had all our supplies laid out, we popped open the book to get started.

It was so fun to learn about the origin of the aquaproteans that we were preparing to make and to see how similar they are to real creatures. The most fascinating thing was how close the building of an aquaprotean was related to metamorphosis. We had recently learned about metamorphosis when we grew our own butterflies at home. How cool.

Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit

Making aquaproteans

Jade and I completed each step one by one, starting with creating aquaprotean “eggs” before moving on the make “embroyos” and grubs.” Then, it was time to combine all that we had learned to make full-grown aquaproteans. 

By this step, Jade was so excited to make her new bio blob buddies. To be honest, I was thrilled as well. We went on to make aquaprotean parents and jellies before making our own custom mutants. Once we were done, we created a permanent place for them to stay. 

Note: If you don’t want to keep them, you can safely dispose of them in the garbage. 

Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit

Would I recommend the Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit?

Absolutely. I had just as much fun as Jade did making the aquaproteans. I even learned a few fun facts about animals. This is a great way to learn through play, which I’m a huge proponent of. 

Craft month is a great screen-free way to connect with your kids. The Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit allows for a fun and creative way to spend time as a family while at home. As a parent, knowing that my daughter was completely engaged in an activity that did not involve a screen meant the world to me. 

The best part of the Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit:

  • Easy craft that the entire family can enjoy
  • Includes crystal clear instructions that support independent play
  • Biology and chemistry facts throughout the book
Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit

Jade’s personal review of this fun science experiment

“Making aquaproteans was so fun. My favorite part was making the embryos and the grubs. It gave me a taste of how first grade might be.”

Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit

Where can you find the Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit for your family?

As a subsidiary of Scholastic, Klutz makes activity kits for those aged four and up. Find out more about the Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit and other Klutz crafts here.

Bio Chem Creatures Book and S.T.E.M Kit
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