10 Helpful Pregnancy Tips to Survive the Last Few Weeks

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The third trimester is both exciting and overwhelming. Today, I’m sharing 10 pregnancy tips to help you get through the third trimester while preparing to welcome your sweet little one.

10 pregnancy tips to survive the 3rd trimester

I’m 36 weeks, and I can definitely feel that the end of pregnancy is near. I’ve started having pre-term contractions and I still have so much to do such as pack our hospital bag, finish the nursery, and get in some much-needed one-on-one time with my husband and the kids before the baby arrives. Through the increased tiredness, I’m doing my best to soak up these last moments though.

This isn’t my first pregnancy, but at the rate I’ve been procrastinating, you’d think it was since I’m taking my sweet time preparing for baby J’s arrival. I’ve been filled with a mix of emotions, both physically and emotionally, and it’s caused me to take my sweet little time.

10 pregnancy tips to survive the last few weeks

The third trimester is exciting, but it can also be physically draining as your body adjusts to a growing baby. That’s why today, I’m sharing a few pregnancy tips that have (and currently are) helped me get through the third trimester.

I’m beyond ready to meet this sweet little blessing, and if you’re here, I’m sure you are as well. Delivery day will be here before you know it. So in the meantime, here are a few things you can do to help you get through the anxiousness of the third trimester.

Pack your hospital bag as early as possible

You never know when the baby may arrive. I had my first at 38 weeks and my second right on his due date. I’ve put packing my hospital bag off long enough, especially after the scare I had the other day. So, don’t be like me. Get your hospital bag packed as soon as possible.

Get some rest

Nesting is real in the third trimester, but it’s important that we give our body time to rest before the baby arrives. I know this is easier said than done. But, this is your permission to rely on your village, cozy up on the couch, and indulge in your favorite snacks while binge-watching a series on Netflix.

Spend time with your older kids

If you currently have kids, in just a few weeks, your family dynamic will change. It’s important to soak up as much time with your kids before the baby arrives because once the baby gets here they’ll require a lot more of your attention. The last thing you want is for your older kids to feel left out.

If I’m up for it, I want to plan a special day with both Jade and Jaxon to make some last memories as a family of four. Even if we aren’t able to get out, there are a lot of fun activities we can do at home to remind them how much they mean to me.

Pamper yourself

I know much of the third trimester is preparing for the arrival our the new addition, but it’s so important that we don’t forget about ourselves during this time. It’ll not only lift your spirits, but it’ll give you the strength needed to power through these final weeks. Schedule a prenatal massage, get your hair done, finish that book, or take a bath. Prioritize finding time to take care of yourself. You won’t regret it!

Related: Pregnancy Self Care Tips for Your Third Trimester

Get out of the house

I know you have so much to get done around the house, but find time to get out of the house and get some fresh air. Even if that means simply taking a walk or going through the Starbucks drive-thru. Try to leave the house at least once a day for a change of scenery and to just break up the monotony. You’ll have plenty of time to stay in those first few weeks after the baby is born.

Prioritize alone time with your partner

One thing for sure is that after you have kids, you have less time on your hands. Take advantage of this time to spend some extra alone time with your partner. Those first weeks after the baby arrives are typically occupied by trying to establish a new routine for your family. The last thing you want is for your spouse to feel pushed to the back burner. Feel up their love tank now by spending quality time together even if it’s at home.

Document your pregnancy

I’m sure the last thing you want to do right now is taking pictures. But, trust me you’d want to look back on them or even share them with your kids when they are older. I rarely took any photos when I was pregnant with Jaxon. It was the height of the pandemic and it wasn’t high on my priority list and I honestly regret it.

Plan and prepare for postpartum

Get out your planner and jot down all the essentials you and the baby may need for postpartum. Then, place an Amazon order for delivery or a Target order for pickup. The last thing you want to have to worry about is running to the store once the baby is here, so plan as much as you can as possible.

Take time to do things that you love

Other than pampering yourself, this is also the time to do things that you love. Don’t think you have to put down your hobbies just because the baby will be here soon. You’re still a person with your own set of dreams and passions. Those don’t have to be pushed aside just because you’re a mom or are becoming one.

Listen to your body

This may be the most important pregnancy tip on the list! Please listen to your body. You do not want to ignore any signs it’s giving you. If you need to rest, rest. If you’re experiencing a new symptom, call your doctor. If you’re craving something, it’s okay to indulge. Being self-aware is healthy for both you and your baby.

Bonus: Give yourself grace

As a bonus, I want to remind you to always give yourself grace. Growing a tiny human isn’t easy, but our bodies were made for this. You were made for this. Be easy on yourself and just breathe. You got this!

The third trimester may seem never-ending, but I pray that these 10 pregnancy tips will help you get through it. You made it this far, and remember, in a few short weeks, you’ll be cuddling a newborn in your arms. So enjoy those last sweet baby kicks, that’s what I’ll miss the most.

10 Helpful Pregnancy Tips to Survive the Last Few Weeks
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