36 Week Pregnancy Update | It’s Starting to Get Real

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Today, I’m sharing my 36 week pregnancy update and how much things have progressed fast so quickly. Baby J may be coming any day now.

36 Week Pregnancy Update

Eek! I can’t believe I’m 36 weeks. Thirty-six weeks. That means in a month or less, I’ll be a mom of three and will be holding a sweet little newborn in my arms. I have all the feelings for sure.

How my 36 week prenatal appointment went

One of the best things that have come out of having gestational diabetes is getting to see my little bundle of joy often. I see a Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) doctor to help me remain diet-controlled and with that comes monthly ultrasounds.

So, I go to see Baby J today, and some concerns came up after my non-stress test (NST) and biophysical profile (BPP) and I ended up spending an additional 11 hours in labor and delivery for extended monitoring. They noticed that because of gestational diabetes, my amniotic fluids had nearly doubled since my last appointment and I was diagnosed with polyhydramnios, which means that there is an excessive amount of fluid surrounding the baby. This explains why my belly has gotten so big within the last few weeks and why I’ve been so tired all of sudden.

Also, the baby was sleeping during most of the testing so the fetal movements were extremely low and on top of that, the baby’s heart rate wasn’t accelerating as quickly as they’d like it to. They wanted to keep me around to keep an eye on things and to make sure the baby was okay.

Luckily, everything looks good and I was able to come home a little before midnight, but I am having some pre-term contractions so I best get the hospital bag and everything else together sooner rather than later because it’s looking more and more like the baby can come any day.

Related: Bible Verses for a Calm Labor + Delivery Experience

36 Week Pregnancy Update

My in-depth 36 Week Pregnancy Update

Favorite moments

One of my favorite moments right now is designing the baby’s nursery. Despite going with a more minimal, gender-neutral theme, it’s been a lot of fun. It has been a lot of work though since I started putting everything in place at the last minute. I definitely recommend starting before week 30 if you’re able to.

Any gender guesses yet

If you didn’t know, I’m team green this pregnancy, meaning that we’re waiting until birth to find out the baby’s gender. Surprisingly, it’s been a lot of fun not knowing the gender. I honestly thought it would be a lot harder than it has been.

Most people have guessed that I’m having a girl based on how I’m carrying. I go back and forth. Some days I say a boy and others I say, a girl. What makes me lean more toward a boy is that the baby looks so much like Jaxon on the ultrasound, but I’m not sure how much that matters.

36 Week Pregnancy Update

What am I craving

Honestly, I haven’t had many cravings this pregnancy. I do prefer cold food over hot food these days. I go through an entire fruit bowl at least twice a week. Luckily, I can still indulge in fruit with my gestational diabetes diagnosis. It hasn’t affected my numbers at all when paired with an adequate amount of protein.

How am I feeling

Tired. If I could, I would stay in bed all day, but between the kids and still working full time, there’s little to no room for all-day lounging. I do sneak in a nap or two on the weekends when I put Jaxon down to help me catch up on a bit of rest.

Do we have a baby name picked out

With both Jade and Jaxon, we waited to announce their name after they were born and we plan to do that again this time around. I do have a girl name picked out that I love, but I’m not sure if that’s the final name just yet. I gave Jeremy reigns over naming Baby J if it’s a boy and he hasn’t solidified a name. Hopefully, we’ll have a name chosen before we give birth. I swear we are so last minute with everything this time around.

Related: 60 Baby Names That Start with a J

Am I missing anything

Sleep is really the only thing I’m really missing right now. But at least I’m getting practice for when the baby arrives.

How big is the baby now

6 lbs 5 oz and measuring right on track with the other two. I estimate that the baby will be a little over 7 lbs at birth.

36 Week Pregnancy Update

Aches or pains

Other than the excessive Braxton Hicks, or what I’ve now learned to be actual contractions, I haven’t had many aches or pains this time around. Oh, indigestion has slowly made its return, and tums have become my best friend.

What am I wearing

If it wasn’t for going into the office, I’d be in loungewear all day lol. I did a subscription to StitchFix early on and I was able to snag some pieces that work well now and during postpartum. I also picked up a few pieces from PinkBlush Maternity, H&M, Target, and Old Navy.

Related: PinkBlush Maternity Review

How’s my mood

Excited, anxious, and nervous mixed into one. I’m ready for this next chapter, but I also want to soak up all the moments with my two little ones as much as I can.

What am I most excited about

Finding out the baby’s gender and seeing the kids’ first reaction to meeting the baby.

Related: How I Really Feel About Becoming a Mom of Three

36 week pregnancy update

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