Kid’s Christmas Tree: Add Holiday Magic to Their Room

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kid's christmas tree

Jade loves Christmas just as much as I do, and this year she asked if she could have a Christmas tree in her room. Cheerfully, I said yes. Why? Simply because decking all the halls, including welcoming a kid’s Christmas tree in our home, adds an extra bit of holiday magic to her personal space. So adding a Christmas tree to her room is what we did and she’s been ecstatic ever since it arrived.

Related: The Best Christmas Books for Toddlers

Finding the Perfect Kid’s Christmas Tree

We went with a 4 foot, pre-lit flocked Christmas tree. It’s big enough to hold all the ornaments that she’ll collect over the years but small enough to not clutter up her room since it isn’t that big. I highly recommend a pre-lit tree so that you don’t have to string the lights every year. It’s worth any extra cost it may bring. For the best deal, it’s best if you start looking early. We found ours at Walmart for less than $30, but Target or Amazon have great options as well.

Choosing the Right Ornaments

Jade requested a pink theme, so when I spotted this 20-piece Frosted Blush Ornament Kit at Target, I knew it would be perfect. I absolutely love the mixture of felt animals and classic ball ornaments, and they give off an elegant, yet whimsical look. We topped her tree with a knit star and opted not to add a garland this year. Instead, I let her add the many ornaments she’s made over the years. It was so nice to not have to add them to our main tree.

Tip: When shopping for ornaments for your little’s tree, make sure they are unbreakable to avoid any unnecessary injuries a shattered glass bulb may bring.

Decorating the Base of the Kid’s Christmas Tree

Instead of a traditional tree skirt, we went with a fluffy rug, which she’ll be able to keep in her room throughout the year. I love finding multiple uses for items, so this was great. I also added a few other items at the base of the tree to fill it out a bit such as this Christmas tree and Santa pillow.

Benefits of Adding a Kid’s Christmas Tree to Your Home

It literally feels like kids grow up within a blink of an eye. Their childhood goes by so quickly, and I’m all for adding an extra bit of joy to their life. The memories that they’ll have will be priceless. We’ve all been enjoying Jade’s Christmas, especially during bedtime reading sessions. Below are a few of the other benefits adding a tree to her room has brought that we didn’t expect:

  • A creative outlet
  • A place to put personalized ornaments
  • Doubles as a nightlight
  • A sense of control

If you’re on the fence about adding a Christmas tree to your kid’s room, do it. Even though this is our first year adding a kid’s tree to our home, it’s brought us so much joy. It’s definitely a tradition we’ll be adopting moving forward. I even added a Christmas tree to our master bedroom, and I’m sure we’ll expand it to Jaxon’s room as well.

Do you decorate your entire home or just your family and/or living room space?

The many benefits of adding a Kid's christmas tree
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