38 Week Pregnancy Update | We’re officially full term
Today, I’m sharing all the details of my pregnancy now that I’m 38 weeks and in the third trimester. Enjoy my 38 Week Pregnancy Update for my surprise third pregnancy.

Hello, 38 weeks and Happy Valentine’s Day! We’re in the home stretch and it’s hard to believe that my third, and last pregnancy, is nearing the end. This may or may not be the last pregnancy update for baby J. I’ll keep the pregnancy updates coming though until he or she decides that they are ready to make an appearance Earthside.
Related: Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Expectant Moms
My 38 Week Pregnancy Update
Pregnancy is so beautiful and I’m so thankful that God allowed me to experience childbearing three times. I know how hard that can be for some, and I’m just so grateful for my three precious babies.
At this point, I’d be content if the baby decides to come now or wait until my scheduled induction date next Friday. Okay, maybe that’s not completely true. I would like to spend a little more time with Jade and Jaxon before the baby arrives. And, I’d also like to finish up a few projects around the house.
Related: My 37 Week Pregnancy Update
Exactly how far along are you
I’m exactly 38 weeks. I had an appointment with the Maternal Fetal Medicine (MFM) doctor today for an ultrasound and non-stress test (NST), and the baby is still looking good. Baby J slept mostly during the NST, but gave great movement during the ultrasound, so I was in and out without the need for any extended testing. Yay!
Have you finally packed your hospital bag
I’m happy to report that my hospital bag is finally packed and ready to go. I just need to put that and the car seat in the car.
Is the nursery finished yet
The nursery is about 95% complete. We just need to hang the curtains, the mirror over the dresser, and the bookshelves. Oh, and I still need to find a lamp. Sidenote: Why are lamps so expensive, but I digress. I can’t wait to share it with you by the end of the week hopefully. I’m in love with it.
Total weight gain
To be honest, I’m not exactly sure. I lost a lot of weight at the beginning of my pregnancy because I didn’t have an appetite. And once I finally started eating again, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and had to completely change my diet. If I had to guess though, I’d say I’ve maybe gained 5-10 pounds and I’m sure that’s all the baby’s weight.
How are you really feeling
A little anxious, but mostly exhausted. It takes so much energy to do everything these days. I also feel like I’ve been pregnant forever and I’m ready to feel like myself again.
Related: How I Feel About Becoming a Mom of Three
Any signs of labor yet
No, not yet. Last week, I had a cervix check, and I was only one centimeter dilated. I have an appointment scheduled with my OBGYN tomorrow, so maybe I’ll be at least two centimeters now. I have had occasional contractions, but nothing to put me into active labor just yet. It does feel like the baby has made their way further into position because it literally feels like they are about to fall out when I walk. While it would be nice to share my birthday with the baby, I do think he or she will hold out until my scheduled induction next week. Only time will tell though!
Any new third-trimester pregnancy symptoms
OMG, lightning crotch. This the first pregnancy that I’ve experienced this symptom, and it’s the worst. It gets so bad when I walk around a lot and literally stops me in my tracks at times, so I’m making this week my last week working in the office. Yes, I’m still working lol.
Has sleeping gotten better or worst
Sleep is still hard at this point. I wake up two to three to four times a night to go pee and that doesn’t include the number of times I toss and turn to try to get comfortable. My body is definitely preparing me for the sleepless nights that are ahead.
Any cravings
I haven’t really had many cravings this pregnancy outside of fruit. But for the last week or so I’ve wanted something sweet which is so hard because I must watch my sugar intake. Sugar-free Reese’s has become my best friend lol.
Is anything else going on
Not really. I plan to celebrate my birthday this weekend through the pain and maybe prep a few freezer meals to have on hand for easy breakfast and dinner options after the baby comes. Being this close to delivery is so weird though because I could literally have the baby at any moment.
Thank you for all the prayers, well wishes, and just being there for me over these last few weeks. Maybe we’ll chat again next week for a 39 week pregnancy update.